
Monday, April 2, 2012

Ok, so now every weekend in Chappaqua and Mount Kisco they have Farmer's Markets.  Now I'm not sure what an apple with a PLU label is doing at a supposed farmer's market, but omg - this apple was the absolute bees knees.  Normally I'm a fan of Gala, Braeburn, Fiji or Pink Lady apples (yes, I eat a lot of apples), but this Cripps Pink man... juicy, delicious, and ever so good.

It was purchased from the Chappaqua farmers market at Pete Logan's stand.  You can catch pete on alternating weeks either at the Mount Kisco or Chappaqua farmer's market- on any given week, he's at one or the others with his farm fresh produce.  Pete tells me that his corn will be coming into season earlier than expected this year and he has a whole bushel he's going to save for me.  Hooray for fresh produce!

Tell me, what are your favorite apples / freshly available produce?  While this blog is going to concentrate or places to eat and thing to do in the Hudson Valley area, I'm curious to see what other kinds of things are available in your locale.  With any luck, maybe we'll have some visitors from around the world weigh in on what local fruits and vegetables they have available - I'm sure it'll be interesting to see!

1 comment:

  1. Pink Lady! though i'm very curious about this Cripps Pink... i wonder how similar it is.
